In loving memory of Patrick “Packy” McGaughan’s unwavering passion for and commitment to the mission of Athletes for Equity in Sport, please help us deliver his message to Congress regarding Senate Bill S.2330 - Empowering Olympic and Amateur Athletes Act of 2019.
Packy dedicated the last eight months of his life to the sport he loved and to lobbying efforts on behalf of Athletes for Equity in Sport (AES).
AES is a broad-based group formed by coaches, parents, owners, and athletes involved in Olympic sports.
Our mission is to ensure equity in SafeSport procedures.
DONATE by visiting, where you’ll also find details about AES’ mission and Senate Bill S.2330.
AES has a 3-pronged strategy for effecting changes to achieve equity in SafeSport procedures:
1. Legislation
Packy took on the legislation prong, working closely with Tom Sheridan of The Sheridan Group to get the necessary contacts for AES to secure a registered lobbyist in Washington, DC. We want to continue Packy’s legislation program and bring it to full fruition.
2. Litigation
Legal plans of action have been formulated and are ready to be executed at the appropriate time(s).
3. Education
AES informational meetings; letter campaign to Congress; video statements from athletes and coaches; and social services wraparound programs, plus additional support to be announced in the summer of 2020.
AS WE look forward to our country successfully facing the changes imposed by the COVID-19 virus, Athletes for Equity in Sport hope that all our members are staying well and adhering to CDC protocols.
Our Focus Right Now
During this difficult time in the USA and the world at large, Athletes for Equity in Sport continue our daily efforts and strategies to respectfully demand equity in SafeSport procedures.
While there is disruption to our daily lives, there is also renewed opportunity for AES to achieve personal conversations and correspondence with U.S. Senators and Congresspeople now that they are available and able to focus on our concerns.
These honorable representatives must understand that two distinctly different SafeSport conversations are ongoing at this time:
1. Facts from athletes — and their attorneys — who are experiencing the SafeSport process firsthand.
2. Distorted data and misinformation from
(a) SafeSport’s Congressional testimony seeking more funding
(b) less than 100% truthful SafeSport town hall presentations
It’s AES’ mission to help our elected representatives recognize these two very different points of view so that they can then choose to do the right thing by making SafeSport fair to all parties involved.
AES is fortunate to have gained two new and very well-connected executive members, both of whom have had extensive experience and success on Capitol Hill. The time is NOW for us to impact legislative drafting of S.2330 and thereby change SafeSport procedures by statute.
AES is also in the first stage of drafting the House of Representatives’ companion bill, which will likewise effect equity in SafeSport’s process via statutory change.
In addition, AES attorneys are continuing with NGB (national governing body) and USOPC (United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee) cases, which will shape litigation at the Federal court level when the time is right.
Public Information Continues
AES’ informational meetings will resume as soon as public meetings are once again a responsible activity, hopefully in the near future.
In the meantime, we are compiling comments via video from athletes, coaches, and parents involved in the sports of boxing, cycling, dressage, eventing, gymnastics, show jumping, skating, and wrestling.
These video testimonials by the athletes themselves, along with other firsthand participants in the SafeSport process, demonstrate just how disingenuous SafeSport’s public town hall statements really are compared to the reality of their actual procedures.
Updates can be found at
AES thanks you and our other members and contributors as we band together to achieve essential changes on behalf of all participants in Olympic and Paralympic sports: changes that ensure positive, fair, and just procedures for each and every party involved in a report to SafeSport. Together, we can make a difference.
Take care, and stay well!