WILMINGTON, Del.-- Bettina Jenney was remembered as a loving, charming and giving mother, grandmother and friend at a Memorial Service at Christ Church Christian Hundred on Jan. 9.
The large church was completely filled with friends wishing to pay their respects to Jenney.
The three Readings were recited by grandchildren, and Sydney Scott Gaybrick recited a poem requested by Jenney, "I Thank Thee God, that I Have Lived."
Lindsay and Sally Scott gave tributes to their mother, remembering special times with her.
Jenney was a renowned hostess, and there were many dinner parties hosted by Bettina and Marshall that Lindsay and Sally said they could hear when, as children, they were upstairs in bed.
The said that they could always hear lots of talk and laughter.
At one, Marshall set up a table in the dining room, which he then dove over headfirst, to demonstrate how to land and roll, and got up unhurt.
THE PHOTO of Jenney with her dog was on the cover of the Burial Office, and a photo of her at Newfound Lake was a the back followed by a traditional Irish Blessing.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Following the service, the congregation was invited to a reception in the lower level of the Parish Center, where refreshments were served.
A long table as set up covered with photos of Jenney from her youth, with some of her famous racehorses, and with her family.