BOSTON, Va.--A sure sign that spring is almost upon us is that steeplechasing returns with the first point-to-point meet, Rappahannock Hunt, which will be held Saturday, March 2.
Rappahannock has two hurdle races, three timber races and two flat races.
Virginia Korrell, recently returned from riding out in Ireland, has rides in four races while trainers Billy Meister and Jeremy Gillam are taking the most horses to the meet.
Meister has entries in both hurdle races and in the maiden timber, and Gillam has one in the maiden timber and entries in both flat races.
There are only two horses in the first race, the open hurdle, but the maiden hurdle has five entered.
The maiden timber drew six entries, but the open timber has only two, and the foxhunter timber has three entries.
The open flat and maiden flat drew five entries each,
First post time is 1 p.m.
The spring point-to-point schedule.
SAT. MARCH 2 - Rappahannock Hunt Point to Point (includes pony races)
Sat. March 16 - Warrenton Hunt Point to Point
Sun. March 17 - Foxhall Farm Cup Team Chase
Sat. March 23 - Piedmont Fox Hounds Point to Point
Sat. March 30 - Blue Ridge Hunt Point to Point
Sun. March 31 - Green Spring Valley Point to Point (includes pony races)
Sun. March 31 - Cheshire Hunt Races (includes pony races)
Sat. April 6 - Old Dominion Hounds Point to Point
Sat. April 6 - Elkridge-Harford Point to Point (includes pony races)
Sun. April 7 - Brandywine Hills Point to Point (includes pony races)
Sun. April 14 - Mt. Harmon Wicomico Hunt Point to Point (includes pony races)
Sun. April 21 - Loudoun Hunt Point to Point (includes pony races)
Sun. April 28 - Middleburg Hunt Point to Point
Sun. May 19 - Potomac Hunt Races (includes pony races)